Holmgate Primary School and Nursery

Welcome to Year 3

The adults working in Year 3 are:


 Mrs Thomas, Mrs Smith and Mrs Cannon


Mrs Thomas will teach Monday - Wednesday and alternate Thursday mornings.

Mrs Smith will teach Thursday - Friday.


Ash will be in EVERY Tuesday teaching PE.


             Spelling Shed               

We will continue to use Spelling Shed for teaching spellings.  Every Friday, children will be tested on their spellings and be given new spellings for the following week. These spellings can then be practised by playing games online and earning points. Spellings will be practised in school but will need to be practice at home too.


Your child’s Spelling Shed login can be found in the first page of their reading records.



It is essential that children continue to have regular reading practice at home. Listening to year 3 children read is still as important as ever as it helps them to improve their fluency and intonation when reading. As well as reading books, children can read anything that interests them and also access Bug Club. Please listen to your child read at least three times a week and fill in an entry of their reading record. Children can write a sentence in their diaries too if they like. When children have finished their books, they can change them after checking with a grown up.


Children should bring their PE kit to school to keep on their pegs.  Our PE kit consists of a white T-shirt and black shorts, joggers or leggings.  If your child wears earrings, they must be able to remove them themselves for PE lessons.


 Y3 have PE every TUESDAY with Ash.


They also have PE every other THURSDAY with Mrs Thomas.

Times Table Rockstars

We will be using TT Rockstars again this year and children are encouraged to access this at home to support their times tables learning. Children should be confident in their x2, x5 and x10 for Y3.


We will be using Seesaw again this year to set work for children and as a link between school and home so teachers and parents can communicate easily with one another. Parents can also access Seesaw to see the work that the children have been completing during lesson time.


Please let school know if you are struggling to connect to Seesaw so we can help you with this.

 Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser Y3 and Y4 Geography.docx.pdfDownload
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