Holmgate Primary School and Nursery

Welcome to Year 1 / 2


 The adults working in Year 1 / 2 are: Mrs McLellan, Mrs Skinner, Miss Bettison and Miss Foster

 Mr Butcher will teach in Year 1 / 2 every other Wednesday. 


The children in KS1 will be following the whole Read Write Inc programme. This will cover phonics, reading comprehension, punctuation, grammar and writing. Each child will be assessed every half term and placed into the appropriate group that will build their confidence, whilst moving them on in their learning. The targeted learning will mean that they will work in smaller, more focused groups.

 Please listen to your child read at least three times a week and then fill in an entry of their reading record.



We will begin by focusing on place value, which underpins everything else we do throughout KS1. To begin with, the children will be revising many of the topics taught last year to help consolidate their learning. This will include counting forwards and backwards, ordering and finding one more / one less. We will then move on to addition and subtraction, number bonds, geometry (2D and 3D shapes) and place value with numbers up to 20 (for Y1) and 100 (for Y2) – which will take us up to the Christmas break. 



Children should bring their PE kit into school on a Monday to keep on their pegs. Our PE kit consists of a white T-shirt and black shorts, joggers or leggings. Your child must be able to remove their earrings themselves for PE lessons.

Y1/2 have PE every Thursday - they will also have PE every other Wednesday too. 



We will be using Seesaw again this year in order for parents to be able to see some of the work that children have been completing during lesson time. Seesaw will also be used to allow teachers to communicate with parents more easily and may be used to occasionally set work for the children.


Please let school know if you are struggling to connect to Seesaw so we can help you with this.


Uniform – Please make sure all uniform and coats are named clearly to help the children look after their own things. If it has a name in and gets misplaced it will eventually make it’s way back to you, if not it may not.


Snack – Fresh fruit is available for the children each day, however, children can bring their own healthy snacks to school for break time. They are allowed to bring a ‘treat’ on Fridays.

 Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser Y1 and Y2 Geography.pdfDownload
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