Holmgate Primary School and Nursery

Here you can find the latest school letters.


 DCC Letter to Parent-Carers - 08012021.pdfDownload
 Covid-19 Update 26 January 2021.pdfDownload
 FSM VOUCHERS JAN 2021.pdfDownload
 Covid-19 General Information for Parents 15.01.2021.pdfDownload
 Covid-19 Important Information for Pupils in Nursery and Reception Classes.pdfDownload
 Letter to Parents-Carers - 20210113.pdfDownload
 FAQs and Welcoming Children Back to School - 202010113.pdfDownload
 DfE Guidance - Access to Schools or Educational Settings - 20210113.pdfDownload
 FSM Food Boxes Jan 2021.pdfDownload
 COVID-19 Update 12.01.2021.pdfDownload
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